Affordable, available and skilled
By offering a range pool of well-educated blue- and white-collar employees, Kragujevac is the center of Central Serbia region with all surrounding cities gravitating to the City of Kragujevac. Young, well-educated people are continuously settling in the city, finding their first jobs and creating their professional careers here. In the previous years, it is also noticed that the young professionals are coming back to the city from abroad, looking for the new challenges.

University center
The city of Kragujevac is known as the University Center. Technical and IT faculties are providing the tremendous access to motivated and young well-educated people. Open for the continuous improvement, faculties in our region are open to create new profiles, as well as the short courses for the specific needs of the industry.
In cooperation with the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac, a new master’s degree is being established that enriches the education of professional staff in the field of Mobility Systems Engineering. After graduation, students have the opportunity to do an internship in one of the companies within the MIND Group. Also, through reaccreditation of the Faculty of Engineering with new Mobility subjects and their implementation students can be trained in the direction of Mechanical engineering (rail engineering), Electrical engineering, and Software engineering.
Dual education
Known by its tradition in industry, Kragujevac has the technical education in high schools on the top level. Technical high schools are providing dual education in great number of profiles. The most interesting profiles are locksmith-welder, electrician, CNC operator, industrial mechanic, but there is always a possibility to have the new profiles according to the needs of the industry.
One of the pioneers in Serbia with the dual education model in the higher education is in University of Kragujevac with the Economy and engineering profile.

MIND Education
Finding and creating the workforce can be challenging. We founded the MIND Education center for our own needs, to create a skilled welders and CNC operators. The need for the workers of specific skills was the main reason why the company started working for the companies outside of the MIND Group.
MIND Education has high-class and up-to-date education programs for various soft and hard skills training. Besides internal education for all employees of MIND Group, and clients in MIND Park, trainings are also organized with external associates in the country and abroad. More than 300 people had their education in our center for profiles such as CNC Operator, Welder for Aluminum and Steel, Locksmith Operator, Industrial Mechanic.